
The Syllabus and gradings

On this page you will find the different grading times, collor on belts and the names of the Kyu and dan grades that fits them.

Kyu grades are student grades and dangrades are "master" grades. Between every Kyu grade there is a tap grade that represent a Kihon (basics) grading.

It is my ambition that the we later will have the full syllabus for Mizu-no-kokoro Ryu Ju-jitsu including video material here on this page.

Kyu grades






7. kyu 

White belt

1. dan 

Black belt

 1 year

6. kyu 

Yellow belt

6 months

2. dan 

Black belt

 2 years

5. kyu

Orange belt

1 year

3. dan 

Black belt

 3 years

4. kyu 

Green belt

1 year

4. dan 

Black and red belt

 4 years

3. kyu 

Blue belt

1 year

5. dan 

Black and red belt

 5 years

2. kyu 

Purple belt

1 year

6. dan 

Red and white belt

 6 years

1. kyu 

Brown belt

1 year

7. dan 

Red and white belt

 7 years

8. dan 

Red and white belt

 8 years

9. dan 

Red belt

 9 years

10. dan 

Red belt

10 years