Mizu-no-kokoro Ju-jitsu



a modern Jujitsu style adapted for the present 










The style 

































Here are some links to past events regarding activities associated with

Mizu-no-kokoro Ju-jitsu.



Oktober seminar in Alborg, Denmark

the 26th-27th of May 2013


The annual Oktober seminar in Aalborg selfdefense and Ju-jitsu club became the 5th WAMA seminar in Denmark. There was the representative of Germany, Kazakhstan, Sweden and Demark present on this seminar. 



Group shot from our seminar the first day, Saturday the 26th of October.  

We had a great weekends training with happy faces and hard work during the whole weekend.



The teachers was from left: Shihan Hans Pihelgas from Sweden, Shihan Ruslan Abdreyev from Kazahkstan, Shihan Ralf Karp from Germany, Sensei Iran Maschaernhas from Brazil, Shihan Jhonny Bernachewice from Belgium and Sensei Terje Theiss from Denmark.



1st World Alliance of Martial Arts Congress

the 25th-26th of May 2013


The 1st WAMA Congress was held in Kazan, Russia arranged by the Federal Russian Alliance of Bujutsu - president of WAMA and FRAB Alexander Sivkov and the Vice President of FRAB Alexey Mischenco. 


Group shot from our congress on the last day, Sunday the 26th of may.  

We had a very good atmosphere, good spirit, happy faces and hard work during the whole weekend.


Hanshi Steve Barnett our International Technical Director of WAMA and Representative and UK, (WAMA president 2012) 


From left our President of WAMA 2013 Shihan Alexander Sivkov, Sergey, Shihan Sergey Nasteka, Shihan Igor Sobolev and Kyoshi Christian Hvidberg.


A shot from one of our fantastic evenings, grilling outside our cabins and eating together. We had a great time together drinking some vodka. :)    




Street Sence, Workshop 1 in Aarhus Crossfit,

the 12th of May 2013


Workshop 1 in Street Sence Reality Based Self Defense.

We had a great Workshop 1 with top motivated and hard working students that managed to implement the techniques and theory from our basic seminars into the scenarios.



Group shot from our workshop, from left front Anders, Teddy, Sandy and Per.

Back left, coach Terje Theiss, Christian, Maria, Lasse and Coach Christian Hvidberg. 




A picture from some of the theory that we teach. The seminars are build up with both theory and physical techniques. Here Coach Hvidberg explains some theory about aggression. 




Here is a picture of one of the scenarios. looks like chaos but it is controlled chaos so our students still learn from this experience and can improve their arsenal for defending them self.




The Bad Guys on the Workshop did a great job challenging the participants.

From left Per Als, Ander Sjønning Lie and Coach Christian Hvidberg right. 




WAMA seminar in Hjørring Jiu Jitsu Club 20-21th of April 2013



Hjørring Jiu Jitsu Club celebrated their 60 years of anniversary 1953-2013.

It is one of the oldest ju-jitsu clubs in Denmark

It was celebrated with 2 days of seminar and a party in the evening. 



There where about 70 participants from 6 different clubs, on the tatami that weekend.



The Instructors on the seminar was, from the left: WAMA instructor Terje Theiss, WAMA Represetative and technical director Denmark Christian Hvidberg, Chi-ryu Denmark Ebbe Kristiensen, WAMA Instructor and Technical board Denmark Anders K. Pedersen, WAMA instructor Søren Lie, WAMA tenical board Denmark Per Brix, WAMA Representative and Technical director Sweden Hans Pihelgas, Thisted jiu jitsu club Per Hansen. 





Street Sence, Basic Impact seminar in Aarhus Crossfit,

the 7th of April 2013


Another basic Impact seminar from Street Sence Reality Based Self Defense.

We had an awesome seminar with top motivated and hard working students.


A picture from some of the theory that we teach. The seminars are build up with both theory and physical techniques. Here Coach Hvidberg explains the flowchart for the Impact seminar. 


A train station scenario, directed by Coach Theiss. The goal was to implement the basic movement from the seminar to the scenario.



Street Sence Coach Terje Theiss left and Street Sence Coach Christian Hvidberg right - and the hard working participants on the Impact seminar 2013.




Seminar in Saarbrüchen, Germany 16-17th of February 2013

We had a great seminar in Geiko Dojo arranged by Geiko Dojo Saarbruchen.

It was not as big a seminar as we use to have but really intense training with a more possibility to get closer to the teachers and students in the training.  




The teacher in Sarbruchen 2013, from left Geiko Dojo Michael Werk. WAMA representative Germany and owner of Taoshule Ralf Karp, WAMA instructor Per Brix, WAMA representative Denmak Christian Hvidberg.




Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you.


So another year has passed and we look toward the new one.

The world did not stop on the 21th of December as forseen, but I don't think any of us really belived that. The only thing I think we can use these Doomsday phrofecies is to remind us that we don't live for ever, so we should live in the present and get the most out of our lives, as long as we don't hurt or make problems for other people. 



It has been an exciting year. We have build a new organization WAMA, an organisation made by relations between very skilled masters from many different countries. I expect that in the new year we will see more countries and members joining WAMA.


It has also been a great year for Mizu-no-kokoro Ju-jitsu, we have got 5 new shodan and 3 new Nidan in the system. This is something that I am very proud of and it makes all the work worth while to see the progress and the work moral that has been showed at the gradings.


I wish all our students, instructors and contacts around the world a Merry Chrismas and a Happy New Year


Christian Hvidberg 

Founder of Mizu-no-kokoro Ryu Ju-jitsu   




2 of our Instrucors was graded Nidan in Mizu-no-kokoro Ju-jitsu in Aalborg , on the 12th of December 2012



Søren Rokkedal and Ivan Lauridsen passed their grading for 2. dan in Mizu-no-kokoro Ryu Ju-jitsu. They both showed a deep understanding of the system and the ideas of the way it is build. They have been working a long time with their free program and showed a good understanding of many different aspects of Ju-jitsu.



From left: Kyoshi Chrisitan Hvidberg, Sensei Søren Rokkedal, Sensei Ivan Lauridsen and Renshi Per Brix.



2nd WAMA seminar in Aalborg selfdefence and Ju-jitsu club, the

1st of December 2012.

The second WAMA seminar was a small and intensive seminar with Shihan Ralf Karp for Taoschule as the main instructor, the other teachers was Kyoshi Christian Hvidberg, Renshi Per Brix and Sensei Anders K. Pedersen was also teaching.


The new balckbelts was uke through the whole day and did a great job. There was 39 participants on the seminar. Thank you all for being a part of this small but very intensive event.



5 students for Shodan gradings in Mizu-no-kokoro Ju-jitsu in Aalborg , 30th of November 2012

For the first time ever, there was 5 people taking the Shodan test in one day. This grading is one of the hardest in the system and takes a lot of will, skil and stamina to do that. It was a great pleasure to watch the grading and the level that the students have obtained go trhrough that training.


Shihan Ralf Karp from Taoschule, the represetative of WAMA Germany was the judge for this grading. The new black belts is Thomas Christiansen, Martin Hermansen, Jacob Wesenberg, Andrew Nybo and Steven Nybo - Congratulations, well done.


World Alliance of Martial Arts, Ju-jitsu seminar in Aalborg ,

27-28 of october 2012

The instructors of the seminar was: Hanshi Steve Barnett 10th dan UK, Shihan Ralf Karp 8th dan Germany, Shihan Jhonny Bernachewice 8th dan Belgium, Shihan Alexander Sivkov 7th dan Russia, Alexey Michenco 7th dan Russia, Shihan Michael Werk 6th dan Germany and Augusto Ferrari 3rd dan BJJ Brazil.


Thanks to all the 165 students and 7 instructors for participating in this event arranged by Aalborg Ju-jitsu and Selfdefence club, and WAMA Denmark.



Steve Barnett teaching drills to our beginners - they worked hard.



Ralf Karp warning up the students, always a great inspiration.

If you want to learn more about WAMA please visit: www.waofma.com




Basic Street Sence Knife seminar the 6th of October 2012

in Aarhus Crossfit - Denmark


Left Coach Christian Hvidberg and right Coach Terje Theiss, together with students from Aalborg, Randers and Aarhus - we had a great day :)


More information: www.street-sence.dk




Traditional Karate seminar in Berlin, Germany

3rd Autum seminar, 22-23 of september 2012

The instructors of the seminar was: Shihan Stanislav Holodkov 10th dan Combat Karate, Shihan Peter Kalinin 7th dan Fudokan Karate, Shihan Michael Bock 6th dan Shotokan Karate.


From left: Shihan Michael Bock, Germany, Kyushi Christian Hvidberg 6th dan from Denmark, Shihan Peter Kalinin 7th dan Belarus, Shihan Stanislav Holodkov

10th dan Combat Karate USA.

If you want to learn more about WAMA please visit:www.waofma.com




The 1st World Alliance of Martial Arts seminar in Denmark

the 2nd of September 2012

The first WAMA seminar in Denmark was a succes, we had a lot of great training and very motivated students.



Teachers on the seminar was Shihan Hans Pihelgas 7th dan from Sweden, Kyushi Christian Hvidberg 6th dan from Denmark, Renshi Per Brix 5th dan Denmark, Sensei Anders K. Pdersen Denmark and Sensei Ivan Lauridsen 1st dan Denmark.



Anders K. Pdersen demonstrating grabbing and unballancing in one motion.

We had a lot of good feedback from the seminar and look forward to do it again next year.

If you want to learn more about WAMA please visit: www.waofma.com




Personal Defense Readiness Seminar 1st. of September 2012

in Aarhus CrossFit


It was a great event with good energy and a lot of hard work 



The seminar is a ballance between theory and practical exercises that fits with the human behavior during extreme stress.



Group photo of the participants of the PDR seminar in Aarhus CrossFit  





2. International kampfkunst seminar in TAO Shule, Cuxhaven Germany - 16-17th of June 2012, by Shihan Ralf Karp

There was 240 students on the mat and 7 instructors from Germany and Denmark.

Group photo from sunday the 17. of june, on saturday there where 240 students on the tatami, training hard - a fantastic event.

This was the first international World Alliance of Martial Arts seminar, held by the representative of WAMA Germany, Shihan Ralf Karp, owner of TAO Schule in Cuxhaven, Germany.



From left: Ingo Mersmann, Michael Werk, Achim Hanke, Ralf Karp, Oluf van Ellen, Per Brix and Christian Hvidberg.



From one of the lessons that Ralf Karp gave during the weekend, thoug he was busy by being the host of this great event.

If you want to learn more visit: www.waofma.com




Street Sence - Basic Self Defence seminar

27th of May 2012, in Langholt - Denmark

Our Basic Rality Based Self Defence seminar was hold with a small group of 10 students, a mix of people that was new to self defence and some had mor than 30 years of experience. The seminar is a mix of theory and practical excercises.



Coach Hvidberg showing a non thelegraphic move that sets up the next strike. We started out in the sun, but had to take shelter in the shoadows later, as it was to hot and we did not want anyone to get burned by the sun.



Anders Lie from Hjørring, trying to talk his way out of a conflict, he did a great job when he got attacked by Christian as the Bad Guy.



Group photo, from left standing: Christan, Martin, Jimmy, Krista; joan, Anders, Christan, Andreas - front: Per, Rasmus and Teddy.

If you want to learn more visit: www.street-sence.dk




Street Sence - Basic Gun disarming seminar

the 12th of May 2012 in Aarhus, Denmark

Another Basic gun seminar. A small dedicated group of students, that worked the skin of their fingers to perform the techniqes over and over untill it felt natural and could use them instinctively.



Terje Theiss shooting after the students with a gas hardball gun, during our "Run like hell" exercise where the students get the point of the most optimal way of running away from a gunshot.



Terje Theiss performing a refleks exercise that gives the students direct feed back in a painful way. All the students performed exelent in this exercise.



Christian Hvidberg explaining some of the basics in the function, use and taking of the gun in an confrontation.

If you want to learn more: www.street-sence.dk




The 7th of may 2012 Dan grading in Mizu-no-kokoro Ju-jitsu

Christian Larsen was graded to 2. dan and Stefan Callsen did his first part of the 3. dan grading - congratulations

From left: Christian Hvidberg, Stefan Callsen, Christian Larsen and Per Brix.




2nd Euro Asian Forum of the Martial Arts in Astana, Kasakhstan, the 19-21th  of april 2012

This forum was held in the beatyful capitalby Astana by the Jujitsu federation of Kasahstan.

The purpose of the meeting was to join the different federations in Kasakhstan to compete together with same rules.



I needed translation during this process, as I unfortuantly don't speak Russian.



We did a short seminar for the leaders of the Kazakhstan police, military and security forces. The lesson was much to short to cover very much, but interesting to teach them.



Ruslan Abdreyev, Steve Barnett and I at the training. Good students, they worked very hard during all the lessons that went on with out any breakes.



Groupe photo for the participants of the 2nd Euro Asia Forum of the Martial Arts




World Alliance of Martial Arts



This new organisations is now officialy created. At the moment we are growing with one new country a month. It is slowly and carefully being build, by a group of serious martial artists from around Europe, for a start.


we are not working on being the biggest organisation in the world, but to be one of the most active ones.



We are building a network of martial artists around the world. This organisation will not be with one leader that make all the profit, and takeing all the decissions. This is a democartic organisation, where the presidency changes every year and all the contries have a vote.

The contries are working together but still keep their own rules and ways of doing things.


The website is on the way, and should be up in May, in a "light form" at the beginning.

The adress is: www.waofma.com





Street Sence Impact Seminar

The 24th of March 2012

Street Sence, Basic impact weapon seminar in Aarhus cross fit, Denmark

A great day training with different kinds of impact weapons. Really great students that worked seriously with the program and the scenarios.

Coach Terje Theiss and Coach Christian Hvidberg, teached the theory and the physical techniques during the day.


Some of the striking weapons that we worke with: Hammer, Crowbar, Wrench and Baseball bat.


Happy Bad Guys that worked with the students during the scenario training.

from left Peter, Christian and Stefan.

to read more visit: www.street-sence.dk




International Ju-jitsu seminar in Neuwarmbüchen

The 18th and 19th of February2012

International Martial art seminar in Neuwarmbüchen, Germany

The seminar was arranged by a team from Geiko dojo anr their head instructor, Michael Werk.

It is a yearly event and takes place every February and is a great oppertunaty to meet a lot of new friends and great teachers.



The teachers from left: Jhonny Bernachewice, Ingo, Per Brix, Michael Werk, MAgda de Sutter, Ralf Karp & Christian Hvidberg.



The Danish team from Hjørring Jiu Jitsu Club and Aalborg Self defence and Ju-jitsu Club




Grading of Ivan Rene Lauridsten and Søren Rokkedal on 30th of january 2012, In Aalborg selfdefence and Ju-jitsu club, Denmark


They both passed the first part of the 2nd dan grading in Mizu-no-kokoro Ryu Ju-jitsu, and both did an excelent job - congratualtions - look forward to see the second part later this year.


From left: Kyoshi Christian Hvidberg, Sensei Ivan Lauridsen, Sensei Søren Rokkedal and Renshi Per Brix.



Drill Seminar the 22nd of january 2012,

with Steve Barnett from England.

In Aalborg selfdefence and Ju-jitsu club, Denmark



We had a great seminar with Steve Barnett from Goshin Ryu Ju-jitus, showing us some combat Ju-jitsu drills. I was hard work but a great day with a lot to be learned.


Groupe photo from the participant on the seminar. first row from left:

Ivan Lauridtsen, Flemming Blæsdal, Per Brix, Steve Barnett, Christian Hvidberg, Sandy Steffensen and Teddy Steffensen




Steve explaining the program of the day, about how the drill has been build up and what we should expect during the day



It was a day with sweat and hard work. Between the drills Steve was good at telling about the goal of each drill, and what we should work on to improve our results.


For more inforamtion please visit www.ju-jitsu-aalborg.dk




Merry Christmas and Happy New Year



I wish all the Mizunokokoro Jujitsuka's a Merry Christmas and hope you will get some of your wishes fulfilled.


During our traing we are changed, training shapes us in a good direction, if we follow the right path with skilled teachers and an open mind, this way we will make progress and be a good exampel to others.





Some of the key elements of becoming a great Budo'ka is respect, commitment, hard work, will, self-discipline, and humility.


I wish you all another year with prosperity, happiness, love, peace, good hard training and progress as a humanbeing.


Christian Hvidberg

Founder of Mizu-no-kokoro Ju-jitsu

Cheifinstructor of ASJK



October Seminar, 29th and 30th of october 2011,

in Aalborg, Denmark


This is the biggest Ju-jitsu seminar in Denmark, with participants from Belgium, England, Germany, Brazil and Denmark.


Michael Werk - Germany, Steve Barnett - England, Jhonny Bernachewice - Belgium, Iran Mascharenhas - Brazil    and Rlaf Karp - Germany


During the weekend we had 185 students on the mat and 5 instructors to teach, Ju-jitsu, Jiu-jitsu, BJJ, Kickboxing, Nin-jitsu, Aiki-Jutsu and Judo. We had a great weekend with a lot of very interesting training.


Line Ravn, Chairman of Aalborg Selfdefence and Jujitsu Club

Welcoming the instructors and the students on this event


Christian Hvidberg, Chiefinstructor of Aalborg Selfdefence and Jujitsu Club

Presenting the instructors and the participating clubs.



For more inforamtion please visit www.ju-jitsu-aalborg.dk



Basic Street Sence Knife seminar the 1th of October2011

in Hjørring Jiu jitsu Club, Denmark,

A great seminar with hard working and motivated students from Hjörring Jiu Jitsu Club.


For more inforamtion please visit www.street-sence.dk




Basic Street Sence, Knife seminar in Taoschule, Cuxhaven

 Germany the 4th - 5th of june2011

Another great seminar with a lot of highly motivated students from Germany, the seminar was hosted by Ralf Karp, owner of Taoschule in Cuxhafen, Germany

Ralf Karp showed as usual his great hospitality and did a great job.


For more inforamtion please visit www.street-sence.dk




Jujitsu seminar in Kazan, Tartarstan, Russia 

the 13th - 15th of May 2011

It was a pleasure to visit and teach again, at the great school of Alxander Sivkov and Alexey Michenco in Kazan. They have student of a very high level.

nr. 5 from left, Alexey Michenco, Christian Hvidberg and Alexander Sivkov. 



Jugo Tsutsumi Ryu Ju-jitsu seminar in Aalborg, Denmark

the 24th and 25th of april 2011

with Peter Clarke, , from Perth Austraila.





Hjørring Camp, Jujitsu seminar in Hjørring, Denmark 

the 16th and 17th of april 2011




Again a great Jujitsu seminar arranged by Hjørring Jiu Jitsu Club, it was held in

Vendia Hallen in Hjørring 




Personal Defense Readiness seminar, in Hobro Denmark

the 20th of march 2011



Now you have the chance to try to train some reality based self in Løgten, Denmark.


We work with the bodys natural reaction paterns when attacked, so we can make a better transision for defence.


The seminar will be a mix of theory and tecnical training.


For more information, please look at:






The 28th of February 2011


I am sorry to inform you that Sergey Yuriev from Sangen dojo, St. Petersburg Russia, has been expelled from the Mizunokokoro Jujitsu System after having behaved very badly and disrespected another martial art member




He has cheated with his own rank and title, this is a disgrace to the whole martial art community, there for he is from this date expelled from the Mizunokokoro Jujitsu and cannot use the name and the symbol in the future.


He will loose his rank 3. dan Jujitsu, the only jujitsu rank he ever was graded for real.


 Sergey Yuriev has also been expelled from the AJJIF, All Japan International Federation

 for the same reasons.


Christian Hvidberg

Founder of Mizunokokoro Jujitsu



Seminar in Neuwarmbüchen, Germany

the 20th and 21th of February 2011

International Martial art seminar in Neuwarmbüchen, Germany

The seminar was arranged by a team from Geiko dojo anr their head instructor, Michael Werk.

It is a yearly event and takes place every February and is a great oppertunaty to meet a lot of new friends and great teachers.




Street Sence seminar the 29th and 30th of Jauary 2011,

in Hobor Denmark

Street Sence arranged a Basic impact weapon seminars, and the first Workshop.


Sunday, Street Sence Workshop 30/1 2011 in Hobro, Denmark 

Coach Terje Theiss and Coach Christian Hvidberg thought how to defende

against imapct weapons and unarmed attacks in different scenarios


Saturday, Street Sence Basic Impact weapon seminar

29/1 2011 in Hobro, Denmark

Coach Terje Theiss and Coach Christian Hvidberg

thought how to deal with different realstic attacks with imapct weapons 


For more inforation please look at:   http://www.street-sence.dk




I wish all Ju-jitsuka's a year of prosperity, happiness, love and peace.

During our traing we are changed as humans. It shapes us in a good direction, if we follow the right path with skilled teachers and an open mind, this way we will make progress and be a good exampel to others.


Some of the key elements of becoming a great Budo'ka is respect, commitment, hard work, will, self-discipline, and humility.


I wish you all another year of good hard training and progress on tatami

Happy New Year :)

Christian Hvidberg




Ju-jitsu Seminar the 4th and 5th of december 2010 in Aalborg, Denmark.

The seminar was sanctioned by Aalborg Selfdefence and Ju-jitsu Club.


There was about 30 different participants on the seminar, during the weekend. There was a lot of great teaching from the instructors, it was very inspirational.




The instructors on the seminar:

Alexey Kunin from USA, Katabami ju-jitsu.

Steve Barnett from England, Goshin Ryu International.

Ruslan Abdreyev from Kazahstan.

Johan Petterson from Sweden, Gaka Ryu Ju-jitsu.

Sorab Molaubucus from Mauritius, Jikishin Ryu Ju-jitsu.

Christian Hvidberg from Denmark, Mizunokokoro Jujitsu.



Gradings of Ivan Lauridsen, Søren Rokkedal, Per Brix and Christian Hvidberg, on the 3th and 4th of december 2010.


Ivan Lauridsen and Søren Rokkedal was graded to shodan (1. dan) 

on friday the 3th of december 2010 


    Per Brix was promoted to Renshi, (wich means a "polished master"),

for his high level and many years of teaching Mizu-no-kokoro Ju-jitsu Ju-jitsu.    


Christian Hvidberg was promoted to Rokkudan (6th dan), in Mizu-no-kokoro Ju-jitsu.


Dan gradings the 22. of november 2010 in Aalborg Selfdefence and Ju-jitsu Club,  Denmark.


The 22. of november 2010, four Ju-jitsu instructors from Aalborg Selfdefence and Ju-jitsu Club, was graded to 2. dan and 3. dan.


Sensei Iben S Andersen and Sensei Stephan Schack Callsen was both graded to Nidan, 2. dan Mizu-nokokoro Ju-jitsu. Iben is the first woman ever to pas the grading to Nidan, in this Ju-jitsu system.


Sensei Flemming Ø. Blæsdahl and Sensei Henrik Rosenkilde was both graded to Sandan, 3. dan Mizu-no-kokoro Ju-jitsu. 



From the left, back: Per Brix, Flemming Ø. Blæsdahl and Christian Hvidberg.

and front: Stephan S. Callsen, Iben S. Andersen and Henrik Rosenkilde.     


Congartulations to all of you.



October Seminar, 30th and 31th of october 2010 in Aalborg, Denmark

This is the biggest Ju-jitsu seminar in Denmark, with participants from Belgium, Sweden, Germany, USA, Brazil and Denmark.



During the weekend we had 175 students on the mat and 5 instructors to teach, Ju-jitsu, Jiu-jitsu, Kickboxing, Nin-jitsu, Aiki-Jutsu and Judo. We had a great weekend with a lot of very interesting training. 



The teachers on our October Seminar 2010

From left: Michael Werk - Geiko Dojo Germany, Jhonny Bernachewice - Chi Ryu Belgium, Ralf Karp - Tao Schule Germany, Iran Mascharenhas BJJ Brazil and Kevin Medina Miyama Ryu USA 




Street Sence Gun disarming seminar the 2th october 2010 in Hobro, Denmark

We had a great day with some serious working students that trained until they got blisters on their hands, but keept going, and still had enough energy to smile :)) great groupe.



Coach Terje Theiss and Coach Christian Hvidberg was teaching the Street Sence seminar - thanks to Allan Karup for your support and innput during the day.  


More info:http://www.street-sence.dk     




International Jujitsu seminar the 2010 in Saar, Germany

130 participated in the seminar that was arranged by Dirk Mazet. 

The Instructors on the seminar was Jhonny Bernachewice from Belgium - Chiryu Aiki-Jutsu, Alain Sailly from France Goshindo Ju-jitsu, Achim Hanke from Germany - Ju-jutsu,

Christian Hvidberg from Denmark - Mizunokokoro Ju-jitsu, Amin Wagner from Germany - Judo and Ju-jitsu.          


Christian Hvidberg and Terje Theiss teaching selfdefence to a groupe of black belts at the seminar 




Instructors on the seminar, from the left:

Marc Jahan Germany, Amin Wagner Germany, Alain Sailly France, Jhonny Bernachewice Belgium, Achim Hanke Germany, Christian Hvidberg Denmark.


More info:http://www.ibl-saar.de     




Street Sence knife Seminar the 4th of september 2010 in Aarhus, Denmark 

15 participated in our Reality Based Self Defence seminar in Aarhus. The students worked

hard and had an "eyeopener" on how to dela with real knifeattacks.



Left Coach Christian Hvidberg and right Coach Terje Theiss, together with students from Aalborg,

Hjørring, Randers and Nørre Sundby - we had a great day :)


More info:http://www.street-sence.dk




20th - 27th of July 2010 Gandrup, Denmark- Sergey Yuriev and Sensei Olga Sungurova from Inter-regional Budocenter "Sangen" in St. Petersburg was in Denmark to study Mizu-no-kokoro Ju-jitsu under the instruction of Kyoshi Christian Hvidberg.





PDR Seminar, the 27. of june 2010 in Hobro, Denmark

The second Personal Defense Readieness seminar in Denmark. A groupe of Martial art practitioners from Hobro and Hjørring Jiu Jitsu club, tryed out the original concept of Tony Blauers SPEAR system and PDR program.



A special thanks to Hans Kristian Bjørn from Hobro Ju-jitsu club for hosting this seminar.


They where taught by PDR Fundamental Coch Terje Theiss and PDR Fundamental Coach Christian Hvidberg.


More information on:www.pdrteam.dk




PDR Seminar, the 23. of may 2010 in Vester Hassing, Denmark

The first Personal Defense Readieness seminar in Denmark. A small groupe of Martial art practitioners tryed out the original concept of Tony Blauers SPEAR system and PDR program.


They where taught by PDR Fundamental Coch Terje Theiss and PDR Fundamental Coach Christian Hvidberg.


They worked hard with the program and did very well at the seminar.



Ivan Lauridsen acting cool when attacked by Søren Rokkedal in carwreck scenario


Henrik Rosenkilde ready for more action from Per Brix 


From left: Coach Christian Hvidberg, Søren Rokkedal, Michael Jensen, Per Brix, Ivan Lauridsen, Henrik Rosenkilde and Coach Terje Theiss. 


More information on:www.pdr-denmark.dk




Jujitsu Camp in Hjørring, Denmark april 2010

Hjørring Jujitsu club arranged their annual Jujitsu seminar the 24th and 25th of april.



The Instructors was: Søren Lie Jensen, Anders Kabbeltved Pedersen, Hans Pielgast, Kevin Medina, Christian Hvidberg, Morten Åen, Per Jensen, Hans Kristian Bjørn. 




Mizu-no-kokoro Ju-jitsu Seminar

5.-7. march 2010 again a great Mizu-nokokoro-Jujitsu seminar in St. Petersburg, in Inter-regional Budocentre "Sangen".

Organised by Sensei Olga Sungurova



From left Sergey Yuriev, Kyoshi Christian Hvidberg, Sensei Olga Sungurova

and President and St. Petersburg Kobudo Federation Sergey Dmitiev.




            Training knife defence                Working on the floor with atacks




Neuwarmbüchen Germany, the 20th and 21th of february 2010



International Ju-jitsu seminar arranged by Michael Werk from Geiko dojo, in Germany. Great seminar, great people.




Personal Defense Readyness fundamental instructor certification in Vancover Canada from the 19th - 25th of januar 2010.


It was one of the best seminars ever, learned a lot of new concepst and mind opening things. - and got certifyed as a PDR fundamental coach. 






October seminar in Aalborg, the 24th & 25th of october 2009


Aalborg Selvforsvar og Ju-jitsu Klub, held its annual ju-jitsu seminar, this time it we celebrated the clubs 35 years anniversary.

On the seminar there were high graded instructors from different countries, Germany, Belgium, USA, Sweden and Denmark to teach on the seminar.

There were participants from many different Danish Ju-jitsu clubs, 2 German clubs - Taoschule and Geiko dojo, one from St. Petersburg Russia - Sangen dojo, one from USA Katabami Ju-jitsu, from Denmark there where, Fyens selvforsvars klub, Hobro jiu-jitsu klub, Hjørring Jiu-jitsu klub, Budokwai Nørresundby, Hadsund Ju-jitsu klub and Aalborg selvforsvar og Ju-jitsu klub.

There where 160 students who attended the October seminar in Aalborg, which is the largest

Ju-jitsu seminar in Denmark.



The instructors of the seminar: from left, Hans Pilgast from Chikara - Sweden,

Terje Theiss from Shobukan - Denmark, Michael Werk from Geiko dojo - Germany,

Alexey Kunin Katabami - USA, Jhonny Bernachewice from Belgium - Chi Ryu Aiki-jitsu, Ralf karp from Taoschule - Germany.



Group photo of alle Black belts attending the October seminar, from Belgium, Germany, USA, Russia, Sweden and Denmark.



Shihan Ralf Karp performing a show dressed up in the traditional samuari armor, called "Yoroi". It was amazing to see the control and techniques he performed with a sharp sword - very impressive. 



International martial art seminar in Cuxhafen, Germany june 2009

by Ralf Karp owner of Tao Schule





Federal Allaince Bujutsu of Russia, Kazan, Russia May 2009


 The students of Aleander Sivkov and Alexey Michenco, thought by Alain Sailly and Christian Hvidberg.


Christian Hvidberg from Mizunokokoro Jujitsu, Denmark, and Alain Sailly from Goshindo Ryu, France.



DJJB in Ottobach, Germany. May 2009


Teacher on the yearly seminar in Ottobach 2009, from left: Harald WestrichJosef Djakovic,Christian Hvidberg, Josie MurrayDieter Lösgen og Andreas Güttner.












Mizu-no-kokoro Ryu Ju-jitsu    •    Rypevej 10    •    9270 Klarup    •    Denmark